LipoClinic is specialized in the cure for ꓲіреdеmа. We know the long period of suffering you have endured. Lipoclinic offers the best ѕսrցеrу іո ꓓսbаі. A path that is often characterized by ignorance and lack of understanding of the disease. Those affected often feel alone and misunderstood. With our many years of experience, we would like to help you take the step into a new life.

In LipoClinic, the first measure in the treatment of ꓲіреdеmа is the so-called conservative decongestive therapy; a treatment conducted by wearing flat-knitted compression garments and by performing manual lymphatic drainage. However, this therapy is not sufficient as the only form ꓲіреdеmа treatment. Wearing flat-knitted compression garments as well as normalizing weight by exercising and eating healthy are essential factors in supporting surgical ꓲіреdеmа treatment. Flat-knitted compression and lymphatic drainage serve primarily to reduce fluid retention. Nevertheless, these treatments alone do not reduce the pathologically increased fatty tissue formed in the course of lipedema.
WAL technique
ꓡіреdеmа ѕսrցеrу (lipo-decompression) is usually performed using WAL or tumescent local anesthesia (TLA). At the LipoClinic we give preference to the WAL technique, as this technique offers many advantages in terms of comfort and safety for the patient during treatment. WAL for lipedema has been used since 2006 and has since then proven to be the more convincing therapy.
A thin jet of water dissolves the fat cells from the tissue composite and rinses them out. The fatty tissue is simultaneously suctioned off in this ѕսrցеrу. Compared to the bulging of the tissue in case of TLA, the WAL technique uses very little infiltration solution. The legs or arms retain their shape during the procedure and can be optimally assessed by the surgeon at any time. This enables precise suction of the fatty tissue until the desired contour can be achieved. Furthermore, neither the prolonged time for the infiltration of the tissue nor an exposure time is necessary with the WAL technique.
The only sustainable and long-lasting trеаtmеոt of ꓡіреdеmа is a large volume Lipo-decompression as part of a surgery. If the surgeries are performed consistently and competently, excellent results with very few complications can be expected.
With over 2,500 Lipo-decompressions per year, LipoClinic is the world leader in ꓲіреdеmа treatment.
After the tumescent solution has been injected for local anesthesia, suction of the fatty tissue can begin. This shortens the time of the ѕսrցеrу considerably compared to the TLA technique. In addition, it prevents the drugs contained in the injection solution from entering the patient’s circulatory system as only small amounts are necessary. This considerably reduces the risk of drug-related side effects on the cardiovascular system. Compared to other Lipdema ꓲіроѕսсtіоո methods, the procedure is very gentle on the tissue and the risk of damaging the vessels and nerves is very low. Furthermore, it has been proven that there is no possible damage to the lymphatic system.
Studies have shown a reduction in pain caused by lipedema, using the WAL technique. By implementing this method, there are shorter recovery times and a reduced tendency to swelling. The vast majority of our patients becomes pain-free within a few days. Very often no further therapies such as compression garments or lymphatic drainages are necessary in the long term. In the case of a simultaneous illness with lipo-lymphoedema, the WAL procedure also tends to be successful. In these patients, however, the permanent need for wearing compression garments for life despite the ѕսrցеrу persists.
Lipedema affects a million of women worldwide. It is a chronic disorder characterized by the abnormal buildup of fat cells in the legs, hips, and arms. The condition is painful, and it leads to mobility issues and emotional distress.
The treatment for ꓲіреdеmа is still unknow but here are some of the most effective ways to treat Lipedema:
1. Lipedema Liposuction
ꓡіроѕսсtіоո is one of the most effective treatment of ꓡіреdеmа. It involves the removal of the abnormal fat cells. The surgeon makes small incisions in the affected area and use a cannula for suction out the fat cells. Lipedema ꓡіроѕսсtіоո is not a permanent cure. If the main issue is not resolved the disease can progress again. ꓡіроѕսсtіоո provides immediate relief from pain of ꓡіреdеmа.
2. Comprehensive Decongestive Therapy [CDT]
Comprehensive Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is a non-invasive treatment that help reduce the symptoms of Lipedema. It is a combination of manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, exercise, and skincare that relives the pain caused by Lipedema. CDT helps improving lymphatic flow, reduce swelling and pain, and improve mobility. CDT itself is not a treatment but a long term relief.
3. Ketogenic Diet
Inflammation and insulin resistance are two main factors in causing Lipedema. A ketogenic diet is a low carb, high protein diet. The diet helps reducing the fat cells, reduces swelling, and enhance lymphatic flow. It is very effective in controlling Lipedema.
4. Weight Loss
Obesity is the mother of all diseases. Increased weight gives birth to many problems and lipedema is one of them. Losing weight can reduce the size of fat cells. The decreased size of fat cells enhances lymphatic flow. But in lipedema normal exercises for weight loss are prohibited. Weight loss surgeries has to be performed in order to get rid of the pain caused by lipedema.
IV Treatment in Surgery
ꓡіреdеmа ѕսrցеrу reduces symptoms and improve the condition for individuals with advanced stages of lipedema. IV treatment is a crucial method used to treat lipedema.
IV treatment allows the direct delivery of fluids into the bloodstream. This route ensures rapid absorption and immediate availability of therapeutic substances. It is the most quickest route for the medications to act. Preoperative IV treatment prepares patient before operation. It maintains hydration and optimize the physiological state. Antibiotics may also be given to prevent infections and it reduces the chances of post operative complications.
Intravenous anesthesia induces a state of unconsciousness and ensures patient comfort during ꓡіреdеmа ѕսrցеrу. IV fluids, electrolytes, and blood products are given via IV route. The right monitoring and adjustment of IV fluids optimize the patient’s vital signs and it is a necessity to check the vitals during operation.
The intra venous route also helps in administration of nutrition support. The essentials vitamins and minerals are injected to enhance the healing rate. Several vitamins helps in quick tissue healing thus are beneficial in recovery process. In IV therapy the dosage has to be checked at various levels as every drug is directly taking part in circulatory system and can be lethal if done uncontrolled.
Lipedema Legs Treatment Vs Lipedema Arms Treatment
Lipedema Legs Treatment/ Lipedema arms Treatment:
ꓲіреdеmа is a very critical disease and at serious stage it impacts both arms and legs of a patient. All treatment plans that are described above are possible and can be used to treat arms and legs. The fat cells produce pressure on normal cells thus cause pain and change the look of thighs and shoulders.
Following procedures can be used for Lipedema legs treatment and for Lipedema arms treatment respectively:
1. ꓡіреdеmа ꓡіроѕսсtіоո
2. Comprehensive Decongestive Therapy [DCT]
3. Weight loss
4. ꓡіреdеmа ѕսrցеrу
5. Ketogenic diet
6. IV therapy
The treatment plan varies as per the age of the patient, the body status, stage of the disease and the prior treatment status. If you are looking to get the best treatment of ꓡіреdеmа, you can book your appointment at LipoClinic.

Vaser Liposuction For Lipedema | Lipedema Removal
Lipedema is a chronic condition that causes the accumulation of fat cells in the lower body. It leads to a disproportionate appearance and discomfort. There is no classified treatment for ꓲіреdеmа but many approaches are used to resolve the issue symptomatically.
Vaser ꓲіроѕսсtіоո is a invasive surgical protocol that uses ultrasound technology to break down and remove excess fat cells. The procedure is can target the affected areas without harming the surrounding tissues. The main advantage of this procedure is that it maintains the normal body structure and shape.
Note: Vaser ꓲіроѕսсtіоո for ꓲіреdеmа should only be performed by a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who has the necessary training and expertise in this field. Patients should also undergo a thorough evaluation to determine their eligibility for the procedure.
It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional and seek out reputable sources of information. By doing so, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment options and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Vaser ꓲіроѕսсtіоո for lipedema is cutting edge advance protocol for lipedema. But it is integral to approach this procedure with caution. This technique must be done under the supervision of a certified health professional.